“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification”   Romans 14:19

CSI Church Toronto has a very vibrant youth group, a tight knit family group that is welcoming to all. The youth group is an open platform for every youth to participate and showcase their God given gifts, only to glorify God’s name.

Vision Statement

With the power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to build a community of love, faith, and devotion so that they may go out into the world and reach others with Christ.


To be an illustration of the love of God, recognized as disciples of Christ, and lead all people to a life with our Lord.

Eligibility Criteria

Contact the Youth Director in request to join the group, with your name, DOB and Phone number.

Eligibility age group is from 15 to 35 years of age.

Operational Structure

  • Help youth members grow into the maturity and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
  • Equip youth members for Christian fellowship and worship life.
  • Facilitate youth members to develop loyalty to the church and participate in the growth of various organizations and institutions in the church.
  • Equip youth member to participate in the mission of the church.


  • Youth Meeting held every 3rd Saturday
    • Bible Study
    • Updates
    • Information Session
  • Praise and Worship service led by the group & Youth Sunday on 5th  Sunday.
  • Youth Choir performance in our church and other churches.
  • Youth missions to practice our faith and workout our salvation.
  • Social Gatherings
  • Youth retreats every year to grow in Christ


Director                      Mr. Jefin Mathews

Youth Sub-committee

Choir Director Ms. Miriam Chacko
Choir Master Mr. Jefin Mathews
Praise & Worship Director Mr. Joshua George
Public Relations Director Mr. Bijoy Bhutia
Hospitality Director Mr. Sam Chacko


Books                          Yuvalokam

Online Connect          Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Youth Blogs

Connect with the Youth

Next Events

Youth Meeting


Saturday from 02:00 pm

Event Ends In
