Good Friday – Malayalam Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Cross: Accomplishment of Salvation Old Testament: Exodus 14: 15 - 22 Psalm: 22 Epistle: Hebrews 13: 8 - 17 Gospel: John 19: 23 - 30 Daniel Thomas & family

Easter – Malayalam Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Resurrection: Celebrating Boundless Transformation Old Testament: II Samuel 22: 1 - 20 Psalm: 16 Epistle: I Corinthians 15: 20 - 28 Gospel: Mark 16: 1 - 11 Joseph Thomas & family

English Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Empowered by the Risen Lord Old Testament: Genesis 28: 10 - 22 Psalm: 29 Epistle: Acts 20: 7-12 Gospel: John 20: 11-18 Alex Oommen & Family

Cottage Prayer – JORDAN Group

Mr. & Mrs. Ajoy Lionel's Residence 75 Saintsbury Cr., Brampton, ON, Canada

All area members are invited.

Malayalam Holy Communion Service / Women’s Sunday

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Remembering and Celebrating Women’s Ministry Women's Sunday Old Testament: Judges 4: 4 - 16 Psalm: 132 Epistle: Philippians 4: 1 - 7 Gospel: Luke 8: 1-3 Chief Guest - Mrs. Asha Mariamma Varkey, Kochamma from the Canadian Marthoma Church, Markham. Women's Fellowship

Cottage Prayer – SHALOM Group

Mr. & Mrs. Zac Santhosh Koshy's Residence 198 Bernard Ave., Richmond Hill, ON, Canada

All area members are invited.

English Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Commissioning by the Risen Lord Old Testament: Jeremiah 9: 1 - 10 Psalm: 47 Epistle: I Timothy 4: 6 - 16 Gospel: John 20: 19 - 23 Rennie Philips Joseph & Family

Cottage Prayer – GILEAD Group

CSI Church, Toronto, hosted by Mrs. Mary Jacob (Suma) 1315 Kipling Ave, Etobicoke, ON, Canada

All area members are invited.

Malayalam Holy Communion Service / Malayala Lokam Anniversary

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Believing in Christ: The Truth Malayala Lokam Anniversary Old Testament: Exodus 34: 1 - 9 Psalm: 119: 89 - 96 Epistle: Ephesians 4: 7 - 16 Gospel: John 17: 6-19 Malayala Lokam

At the Feet of Jesus

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

All are invited to come and spend some time in prayer with the Lord.