English Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Christ: The Rhythm of Life Old Testament - Exodus 15:1-21 Psalm - 149 Epistle - Ephesians 5:15-21 Gospel - Luke 8:26-39 Abraham P John & Family

Malayalam Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Sabbath as the Culmination of Creation Old Testament - Isaiah 65: 17- 25 Psalm - 8 Epistle - Hebrews 4: 2- 13 Gospel - Mark 2: 23- 28 Ajoy Lional & Family

Cottage Prayer – JORDAN Group

Mr. Varghese V. John's Residence 86 Temple Hill Rd., Brampton, ON, Canada

Cottage Prayer for Jordan Group will be held at 6.30 pm on Saturday, February 18, 2017 at the residence Mr & Mrs. Varghese V. John in Brampton . All area members are invited for the prayer meeting.

English Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Fall as the Violation of the Purpose of Creation Old Testament - Genesis 6: 1-13 Psalm - 32 Epistle - Romans 7: 14- 25 Gospel - Mathew 7: 15- 23 P. Matthew Verghis & Family

Malayalam Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Lent: A Time of Transformation Old Testament - Isaiah 44: 21- 28 Psalm - 6 Epistle - Romans 11: 13-24 Gospel - John 2: 1-11 Joseph K David & Family

Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Special Holy Communion worship service Cross: A Call to Repentance Old Testament Isaiah 1:16-20 Psalm 51 Epistle II Corinthians 7:8-16 Gospel Mark 1:12-15 Read by: The Executive Committee

English Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

The Cleansing Christ Old Testament Zechariah 13:1-9 Psalm 130 Epistle I John1:5-10 Gospel Mark 1:40-45 Read by: Samuel Anselm Samuel & Family

Lenten Prayer

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

Malayalam Holy Communion Service

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada

The Forgiving Christ Old Testament Genesis 4:8-16 Psalm 25 Epistle Romans 5:6-11 Gospel Mark 2:1-12 Read by: Zac Santhosh Koshy & Family

Lenten Prayer

CSI Church Toronto 1315 Kipling Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada