New norms and new definitions became the order of the day as we ushered 2020 in. COVID-19, a global pandemic, brought the world to a shrieking halt and the worshipping community to their knees. In a flash, our norm was redefined with social distancing, quarantine, virtual meetings, working from home, and wearing of masks and gloves. These were startling experiences and indeed an eye-opener to the fragility of human life and it displayed how vital our dependence on God is. We had a hardworking Public Relations and Information Technology Team that kicked into action and worked behind the scenes to live-stream our worship services so people could worship from their homes; thus our homes became our church. Many of our church members were frontline workers, who served diligently and courageously during this pandemic. We had chain prayers and regular messages from our Achen to encourage and strengthen us. Achen and Kochamma inspired our families to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and constantly reminded us that the Word of God would keep us. Truly our Faithful Lord kept us and our families safe and blessed us thus far. Undoubtedly, this has been an eventful year.