In 1986, a few of the families hailing from Kerala, who were residing in Toronto, held a deep desire to have Church of South India worship services conducted in their mother tongue and liturgy. Their ardent desire set in motion a new Malayalam worship community in Canada. By God’s grace, the quest to find a worship place brought them to the chapel of the Wycliffe College; a dream come true! The very first service was held on the May 11, 1986. Reverend Thomas Ninan, an ordained Minister of the Diocese of Madhya Kerala, was the celebrant of that service.
Through humble beginnings consisting of monthly worship services, our pioneers were nonetheless able to experience the vocational power of God, who set apart His people as a church in the motivating influence of the Holy Spirit. Worship provides an atmosphere of reverence; it unites people and reminds them that they are one in Christ. The divine motivation by the Spirit of God compelled our people to insist on worship services every Sunday, and accordingly the weekly services were established.
Since its inception, the CSI Church, Toronto has seen ten Presbyters preside over the congregation, and has seen itself outgrow three shared worship facilities to one of its own. It has become a leading voice in the Kerala Christian community in Toronto, through various dynamic outreach ministries and evangelization programs.
The history of CSI Church Toronto is the history of a meaningful Christian life, of witnessing and of unity of the people of God. As an instrument in God’s mighty hands, the church has been utilized by Him for His divine purposes. We have been able to make ourselves examples of charisma, performance, and perfection in various levels of church life. The CSI is the fruit of unification, and it is called and set apart to be united and to unite people.
As part of the church universal affirms that it exists to fulfill the prayer of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church, “That they all may be one and the world may believe that you have sent me”
To develop a Christ centered life by connecting people through word of God, oneness and worship; inculcating Christian values and helping the broken communities with a new hope, and leading each and every one to walk in the paths of love and righteousness.
These are the root values important values that matters, that we stand for and that we consistently try to reflect as a Church.
Spirituality is an experience where a Christian allows the Holy spirit to control one’s life. Just like Christianity begins at home, spirituality begins in our souls. As a Christian, Christ should be in the center of our souls and nothing else should take that sacred place. This is where the extent of spirituality should be in our lives. This is only possible with prayers, living a holy life, reading the scriptures and attending divine worship in a church. A church going Christian acquires reverence to GOD and connects with many others of the same belief which makes him introspect how GOD works in each of our lives. It perhaps draws us close to GOD and enhances our fellowship with each other. A church can only grow if the members work in unison. Our approach to people is a couplant to adhere how Christ dwells in our lives and to win their souls toward making them Christ-sufficient.
One of the core spiritual values which makes our church unique is the ingredient of love. Our members are not just the same people coming from different places; they are different people coming with like minds. As it is said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. This attitude of welcoming and belonging is something that we all cherish in our church. Our church considers each and every one as part of their own family. There is a mode of compassion that’s inculcated amongst us to share, care and respect others feelings and pray for them and stand amongst them in their joys and sorrows. After all, that’s the This marks of a true Christian which makes us when we experience satisfaction and fulfillment beyond imagination.
“Practice what you preach” the common proverb is what we try to follow in our church. When it comes to mission – it is serving in action. Our church is hands-on when it comes to serving people in need irrespective of caste, creed or religion. Our charity work extends globally by lending a hand to the needyto help the needy with whatever we have or contribute. Our mission is not just to serve but live our daily lives as our everyday lives are a mission – to set an example of Christ life by showing exemplary skills in our daily lives and our respective work and stand successful. Furthermore this contribution is not just monetary or through prayers but also stepping out as a fellowship going and reaching these people and spending time with them and above all – sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and how it has impacted our life for a Christ centered well being. As it is said. “Don’t just go through life; grow through life.”
Music is a unique gift of God’s creation that comes to us in the same way the Word of God does, namely, mediated by the voice.
– Martin Luther King.
Music strings the chords of our soul and rhythms to the beats of our hearts. What makes our church unique is its music. Our liturgy embodied with music along with hymns and lyrics literally brings meaning to words and approximates us close to Christ. The choir outstands for its immense talent and voices. Just like salt is an ingredient to our meal, music /praise is the ingredient in our divine worship that culminates prayer with words. It imbibes the holy spirit to dwell in our souls and brings harmony to our lives.
“winning souls through .love .mission .music”
Our tagline is constructed from our core values. The dots before the values represent – connected to God through Spirituality.
C.S.I. (Church of South India) Church Toronto Inc., as a Christian Religious Organization:
The following section is taken from section 3 of the CSI Church Toronto Constitution:
3.1 Believes that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness – 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
3.2 Believes that God created everyone alike and affirms the infinite worth of every person in the eyes of God.
3.3 Is destined to serve its members and community of believers under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
3.4 Will strive to promote a loving relationship among its members and encourage each member to become a person of God in his/her dealings with each other and with all of God’s creation.
3.5 Believes the family to be the basic human community through which persons are nurtured and sustained in mutual love.
3.6 Accepts the sanctity of the marriage covenant which is expressed by love and mutual respect.
3.7 Opposes social norms that offer different standards for men and women.
3.8 Recognizes that sexuality is a gift of God and that members must have discipline over themselves over the expression of this gift. Sexual relations between a man and woman are only permissible in marriage.
3.9 Believes that all are God’s creation, that life and death are in God’s hands, therefore, is against any person taking his/her own life and is not in favour of abortion.
3.10 Affirms its support of abstinence from alcohol, illegal drugs, marijuana, tobacco, etc. The drug/alcohol dependent person is also an individual of infinite worth to God, is in need of counselling, treatment and rehabilitation, therefore, should be offered the needed assistance.
3.11 Believes that any activity that is a menace to society, deadly to the best interests of moral, social, economic and spiritual life, therefore, expects its members to abstain from any such activities.
3.12 Believes that Christ came into the world not to be served but to serve. All members, as Christians, are called to this ministry of servant-hood in the world to the glory of God and to spread the good news.
3.13 Recognizes that there are needy people in the world and will participate in providing charity for the needy throughout the world.
The CSI Church Toronto is affiliated with the Madhya Kerala Diocese (MKD) of the Church of South India, India. It is also a designated ministry in the Diocese of Toronto of the Anglican Church of Canada.