The church premises were moved from St David’s Anglican Church to 1315 Kipling Ave, then called the St. Wilfrid’s Anglican Church. The first service was held on January 16, 2011. The 25th church anniversary, our Silver Jubilee, was celebrated in 2011, by successfully undertaking 25 different community projects. There had been ongoing talks over the past years of an affiliation between the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese and the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. A few of our church members disagreed with this proposal and left the main church. The presbyter and church members then stood strong and united, focusing on Christ, the foundation of the church, and moved on in their spiritual journey.
The year 2012, marked an important milestone in the history of our church which is the Association and Incorporation into the Anglican Diocese. Bishop Rt. Rev. Thomas K Oommen, Madhya Kerala Diocese and Bishop Kochamma, Mrs. Susan Thomas visited the Church from June 27 – July 3 in 2012 . The following year Bishop Rt. Rev. G Devakadaksham, the Moderator of Church of South India, also visited our church. A historic event took place at our Church on October 5, 2014, an Induction Service was conducted by Suffragan Bishop Rt. Rev. Philip Poole, Anglican Diocese of Toronto (York – Credit Valley), for our New Vicar Rev. George Jacob. An initiative to bond with new families began with informal gatherings on Friday evenings which took place in the Great Hall for fellowship. Gospel conventions were held in which renowned speakers like Rev. C M Varghese and Dr. P G Vergis spoke from the Word of God. Our church members involved themselves in evangelism and speaking the Good News to all who would care to listen. The group went downtown and also door to door with the Gospel of Christ. This was indeed a result of training, support and prayer by George Jacob Achen and our senior members: Philip Alexander and Mary Alexander. In 2014, two of our church members left to their heavenly abode, Varghese Jacob, who played a pivotal role in formation of the Constitution of the Church and Ponamma Thomas who served as Director for Women’s Fellowship in the past years.
New CSI Church, Toronto building… formerly known as St. Wilfrid’s Anglican Church